Home Music Sheet Music Doom Level Design BBC Micro


     Since having a few piano lessons at a very young age my interest in music never waned and I picked up some guitar skills along the way. Always interested in composition I've made some mostly instrumental recordings using a small home studio. Most of the recording was done alone although I had some help along the way from various old friends. At the back end of the 1970s I recorded three full-length 'albums' with Andy Honeybone and Paul Colbert which are also available. Some of the pieces which started out life on the piano also have sheet music available.
Sprike2 Image Creating pseudo-3D worlds for the old FPS games DOOM and DOOM2 is great fun. In a real world where everything is in flux and unpredictable there is an attraction to building a world where its appearance and everything that appears takes place in it completely under your control.

My levels are here; the latest, Sprike2 was built in 2012. I also wrote a guide to DOOM level editing, which although quite old now still contains a lot of relevant information for those who suddenly gain an interest in level building for the original FPS game. id Software released the source code - there's a code review here.
These days pseudo-3D design has given way to true 3D and the tools are much more sophisticated. Building levels has become more difficult as the resources required have become so much more complex and expensive not to mention difficult and time-consuming to learn. I have dabbled with UnrealEd for Unreal Tournament GOTY Edition and had some success with that.

There are those who have continued and designed some fantastic levels for DOOM3 (code review here) and beyond, yet for me there has never been such excitement as appearing in game in my first room built with the old DCK editor for DOOM back in the early 1980s.
There are also some disk images for the BBC Micro for the computing history buffs out there.


This page last updated 17 November 2022